Sabado, Agosto 20, 2011

Foods That Slow The Aging Process

As the human body ages, certain things happen. Muscle mass decreases, bones become brittle and our bodies do not fight disease and injury as well as before. Hearing, eyesight, reflexes, as well as many other bodily functions may also be effected. Some foods, however, hold solutions to slowing the aging of our bodies and maintaining a healthy longer lifespan.
As we age, the nutritional needs of our bodies change. Many times, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are misdiagnosed as serious illnesses. In youth, our digestive systems digest and utilize nutrients readily. During aging, the digestive and absorption processes do not function well as before. These problems can be greatly reduced with the aid of vitamin supplements and a better choice of foods.
For example, if we are to maintain a strong immune system to fight off illness, our bodies must have the required amounts of zinc. This can be taken in supplement form or by adding zinc-rich foods to the diet. Some of these foods are oysters, clams, poultry, whole grains, and lean beef.

Another nutrient essential for keeping nerves and brain in good working order is Vitamin B6. This is needed because the stomach changes with aging and, especially after 50 years of age, there is a good chance for a B6 deficiency. This vitamin can also be obtained in supplements. However, food forms are bananas, potatoes, kidney and pinto beans, and clams.
Finally, calcium is a very good source of anti-aging nutrients. Although we usually think of osteoporosis is a female ailment, men also suffer from it and fare much worse from the results than women. Calcium added to the diet through vitamins or the addition of calcium through low-fat milk products can greatly reduce the risk of brittle bones. Three glasses of skim milk daily will meet the Recommended Daily Requirement of calcium.

Taking Care Of Aging Parents

When did they start looking so old? You keep thinking of them being the same two people they were when you were in high school, but they're not. One day you just looked up and your parents were older or had become ill. That's when it hits you, that you might have to take care of them, like they once have taken care of you. Now is the time to start making plans and restructuring your life in order to be able to take care of your parents.
The first thing you need to do if possible is talk with your parents to see what plans they have made for their future. No one wants to get older or sick where they can't take care of themselves, but sometimes in life that will happen. When you realize that has happen to your parents, its time to stop and talk to them about their future. Have they provided a way for themselves to be taken care of from illness or if they have become to old to take care of themselves? Will you be totally responsible for their well being in the future? Have a family discussion about their future plans, so everyone will know where they stand. Once the decision has been made that you will take care of them from old age or illness, you should start preparing your life for that right then. Taking care of your parents is going to be a big adjustment for you and your family.
Having your parents move into your house will mean changes for everyone. Once you feel they will be at an age where someone else will have to take care of them, start preparing your household now. Start putting into place right now their living arrangements, especially if they're going to be living with you. Everyone in your household need to start adapting to this living arrangement before they actually move-in. You might have to make changes to your household from reconstruction of your property for more space, to adapting to having extra people in your house. If possible try to have separate living quarters built for your parents so the can still have some privacy, along with you. If your parents have to go to a nursing home start looking around now for a place. You want them to be somewhere, where you and them both can feel comfortable and it's convenient for you to get to them. Don't wait until the last minute and just put them anywhere. Start looking early for the right place that will meet all of their requirements. If your parents are going to live with you because of an illness, start setting up your household for whatever they might need to be comfortable through-out their illness. If they need special equipment or a nurse, start arranging that in plenty of time and not at the last minute before they have to move-in. Having an area set-up with the right equipment for all of their medical needs will make their stay more comfortable and healthy. Changes like that to your household don't need to happen overnight, you and your family need time to prepare mentally and physically for these changes. Planning ahead for this is the best way for everyone to deal with this change that will affect everyone's life. When the realization finally does happen that your parents can't take care of themselves anymore, this will be hard for the both of you.

Watching our parents turn older or becoming ill is one of the hardest things we have to go through. In your eyes you want to always see your parents, young, active and alert, unfortunately that won't happen. As time go on they will get older or sick with something and need you more than ever. Start facing that situation right now and not when it's to late. As you get older, you start realizing they are getting older and they are coming to a place in their life that more and more each day they will need you. Once you realize this, this is the time to start preparing your life to take care of your parents for as long as you possible can. That's the one thing all of us want to do is to provide for the people we love, when they can't provide for themselves. Taking care of your parents will make you feel good and if you have children, it will be a good 
example for them. Who knows, one day they just might have to take care of you.

Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2011

Dealing With Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder afflicting about four million Americans. It is characterized by red and itchy patches with silver skin flakes. The good news is that it is not contagious; the bad news is it can cause you much discomfort, and shame, especially if it worsens.

Usually, it takes about thirty days for new skin to generate and rise to the surface. What happens with psoriasis, though, is that the skin generates at a much faster rate. Because of this, patches of psoriasis develop. Although they can be found most commonly on the elbows, knees, and scalp, they can also break out on the face, feet, and even the genitals.

Fortunately, psoriasis can be treated using natural methods. These natural methods are often geared towards the relief of symptoms associated with psoriasis.

The classic psoriasis patch can be very dry and sometimes, they can even bleed. So, your goal in the treatment of psoriasis must involve skin softening solutions. If patches of psoriasis develop on your scalp, use shampoos with aloe vera and jojoba to soften the patches. For your entire body, you can put oatmeal into your bathwater and soak yourself in the solution, or you can use chickweed, too, as an alternative to oatmeal. Chickweed can be mixed in your bath water, or you can apply it directly on the patch.

There are herbal remedies that can be used for psoriasis. However, they are best taken with the guidance of a physician.

• Milk Thistle for Psoriasis: Milk Thistle can inhibit the production of T-cells, which are surprisingly abundant in psoriasis patients. Right now, there are a lot of milk thistle products available at pharmacies and health stores. Take them as prescribed by the physician or as indicated in the label. It comes in both tablet and fluid extract forms. Select the one you are most comfortable using.

• Oregano Treatment for Psoriasis: Oregano is a popular herb and spice used for cooking and baking. For psoriasis, its natural antifungal and antibacterial properties are going to help a lot. Oregano oil is usually applied topically on the affected areas, although it can be taken orally as well. Oregano oil is now available at many health stores.

• Shark Cartilage Cure: Research had show that the extracts of shark cartilage can prevent new blood vessel formation. When new blood vessels form, the lesions associated with psoriasis worsen, but with the help of shark cartilage's anti-inflammatory properties, the lesions heal in no time.

• Tumeric Remedy: Tumeric is found in curry powder. It is a spice that is also used in Chinese medicine. Right now, there are tumeric capsules for use as dietary supplements. Tumeric is effective for psoriasis because it can ease the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with the disease.

• St John's Wort Treatment for Psoriasis: St John's Wort can also be used by psoriasis patients. It works by lowering cyclosporine in the blood. Take St. John's Wort as per your doctor's advice as it can be dangerous for people who loves sunbathing and are undergoing UV light treatment.

Some natural treatments may involve more than just treating the symptoms of psoriasis. A weak immune system can trigger the incidence of psoriasis. So, if you want to avoid psoriasis break outs, you need to do something to improve your health. For instance, you can take vitamin supplements or other herbal remedies such as Dandelion, Kelp, and Garlic, to boost your immune system and enable you to better fight off diseases and skin disorders like psoriasis.